Mr. Scarsella is the Vocational Special Education Coordinator with Choffin Career and Technical Center and Youngstown City School District in Youngstown, Ohio. He has been a Board member with MCCTC since 2006 and was the Board President for 2015. He is a Governing Board Member with the Mahoning County Educational Service Center (MCESC) and was the former president of the Mahoning Valley Regional Council of Governments where he continues to serve . He also serves on the Board of Supervisors with the Mahoning County Soil and Water Conservation District.
Mr. Scarsella’s Board memberships include past and present: MCSWCT, Youngstown Steel Heritage Museum, William Holmes McGuffey Historical Society, Idora Park Institute, Youngstown Center for Industry and Labor, Brier Hill Cultural Center, Ethnic Heritage Society, Boardman Boosters Executive Cabinet, St. Charles Home and School Executive Cabinet. He has been appointed to the Mill Creek Metroparks’ Board of Commissioners Interview Committee and the newly formed park citizens’ advisory development committee.
Memberships for Mr. Scarsella include: Friends of Fellows Riverside Gardens, Friends of Boardman Library, Phi Kappa Phi, Ohio School Boards Association, Ohio Association of Career Technical Education, National Education Association, Ohio Education Association, Youngstown Education Association, Youngstown Area Transition Service providers, St. Charles Parish and Sacred Places Dialogue.
Mr. Scarsella is a graduate of Boston College, with a Bachelor of Arts in History/Secondary Education; he also has earned a Youngstown State University Master of Science in Education Administration and a Master of Science in Special Education. He has continued his studies at Kent State University, where he earned a Transition to Work endorsement. Mr. Scarsella is the author of publications titled: Memories and Melancholy and Reflections on the Mahoning Valley and Youngstown, Ohio, iUniverse, 2005.