Ohio Reach
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Ohio Reach Postsecondary Designation
Ohio Reach, in partnership with the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) and The Ohio Children’s Alliance (OCA), has named MCCTC Adult Career Center as part of the first cohort of accredited colleges, universities, and Ohio Technical Centers to receive the Ohio Reach Postsecondary designation for providing supportive services to students with a history in foster care.
Designated Campus Liaison
Eligible students should contact the designated campus liaison for information about the Ohio Reach program, resources, support and referrals.
McKenzie “Maxie” Wirtz
Financial Aid & Student Services Coordinator
Ohio Reach Designated Campus Liaison
(330)729-4100 x1911
Student Eligibility
All students with a history in foster care, kinship care, or other out-of-home placement are eligible for on-campus Ohio Reach services. Students may have been placed in foster care for any length of time, in any state.
Resource Connection
- Ohio Reach Scholarship
- Ohio Reach Emergency Fund
- Ohio Education and Training Voucher
- Foster Care to Success Scholarship
- Bridges to Success
- Youth Navigator Network
- CCMEP Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP)
- Find Food Pantries and Meal Sites Near You: Text “Help Network” to 898211
*For additional resources to help meet basic needs see our online community resource guide