We Are Your Local Ohio Technical Center!
Your Fast Track to Success
As a proud OTC, we equip you with training that can provide you a direct pipeline to respected local employers and employability opportunities. Our instructors and staff work closely with local employers to help you discover real-world job opportunities.
Did You Know?
Ohio Technical Centers (OTCs) provide post-secondary career and technical education at 49 career centers across the great state of Ohio. MCCTC Adult Career Center is ONE of those 49 schools! OTC’s offer programming in the technical skill trades (i.e., EMT, Welding, etc.) that prepare learners for industry-recognized certifications and state licensures.

Your Success is Our Focus
As an OTC, MCCTC Adult Career Center is positioned to respond quickly to the needs of business and industry by providing customized training and business consultation services to companies and organizations to assist with meeting Ohio’s workforce goals. The Career Center connects students with employers, hands-on training, externship experiences and continuing education options.