Course Details

Automotive Technology

Start Date: 08/04/2025

Hours: 700

Cost: $10,060

Instructor: David Thirion

Location: MCCTC

Class Times: MTuWTh 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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Automotive Technology

Formal Automotive Technology training can help make you stand out to potential employers. Through classroom and hands-on training, the Auto Technology program at MCCTC Adult Career Center prepares you for a wide variety of job opportunities in car dealerships, repair shops, and fleet repair facilities. Learn how to perform in-demand services, such as oil changes, brakes, manual drive train and axle repair, heating and air conditioning, electrical systems, suspension and steering, engine repair and so much more. The demand for automotive service technicians and mechanics is growing and the number of jobs is expected to rise by 5% over the next 7 years, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. The BLS also suggests that the need for technicians will increase with the number of vehicles on the road, growth in the driving age population and the rise of multi-car families. In addition, the BLS states that those who have completed formal post secondary training programs or achieved ASE certification should enjoy the best job prospects. (Source: