What Is The Adult Diploma Program All About?

The Adult Diploma Program is an initiative by the Ohio Department of Education to provide job training and a new pathway for adults, ages 18 or older, to earn a high school diploma AND industry credentials aligned to one of Ohio’s in-demand jobs.

In order to begin the process, potential students must first pass the ACT WorkKeys® exam with minimum level score of 4 on each section: Applied Math, Workplace Documents, and Graphic Literacy. Once the student passes the exam, they will choose a credential program. Upon successful completion of the program, the student will earn their state-issued High School Diploma.

Funding for the Adult Diploma Program is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Program Offerings

Stick Welding
Medical Office Assisting
Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair

Take the next step

Contact Dom Fonce

(330) 729-4000 extension 1438



ACT WorkKeys® study guide and practice test:

https://success.act.org/s/article/WorkKeys-Assessments-Online-Practice-Test (create account to take practice test)



MCCTC Childcare Services:

Small Wonders:
