Interviewing Tips

Types of Interviews

1. Traditional one-on-one
2. Phone
3. With several interviewers

To obtain the interview:

1. Fill out the application completely and neatly (take online questionnaires seriously)
2. Add/Upload your resume to the application
3. Clean up your social network sites

Before the interview:

1. Note the name of the person who will be interviewing you
2. Follow all other instructions (time, place, what to bring, etc.)
3. Research the company
4. Plan what to wear ahead of time (Business professional — Clean and pressed
5. Have some prepared questions for the employer
6. Prepare and practice answers to possible questions
7. For certain jobs-prepare a portfolio representative of your best work
8. Be prepared to answer the question “Tell me about yourself”

Day of interview

1. Plan to arrive early
2. Turn off your cell phone
3. While in the reception area: Be polite, Take note of company displays, products, services, awards, etc.
4. Bring paper and pen to take notes

First contact with the interviewer:

1. Address interviewer(s) by name
2. Have a firm handshake, eye contact and smile

During Interview:

1. Answering Questions:
Answer the question that was asked – it’s OK to ask them to repeat the question
Be honest and sincere
Give more than one-word answers but don’t blabber on
Give examples to support answers
Use specifics and technical language (to show you can “talk the talk’)
Don’t “bad mouth” former supervisors or employers
All work experience is relevant and meaningful -even if “unpaid” or for a relative

2. Asking Questions:
a. Refer to your prepared list
b. If salary hasn’t been brought up, it is OK to ask how much the position is paid

3. Ending the Interview:
a. Ask when a decision is expected to be made
b. Listen to any follow-up instructions (example: “you can call back in a week”)
c. Let them know how to contact you
d. End with a firm handshake and thank you

Follow Up

1. Follow instructions (For restaurant /retail jobs- Stop back in person during “slow hours”)
a. Write a short thank you note
b. Handwritten or email communication
c. Add anything you forgot to mention in the interview

2. If you don’t get the job:
a. It’s OK to be disappointed, but don’t “beat yourself up”
b. Look at it as good practice for the next interview
c. Reflect on what went well and what you need to improve upon